Goodbye Water Drop!

Today, our Icelandic Young Curators said goodbye to the Water Drop Project. Although sad about the project being over, the Young Curators were ecstatic about their accomplishments.

“It has been incredibly fun to be part of this project!”
– 12-year-old Young Curators, Friðrika Eik and Kristoffer Finsen.

The Young Curators have spent the past three years working with museums in their home countries, setting up exhibitions and working on projects related to them. In Kópavogur, for example, they have held conferences and brought in professionals in every field they have thought of, held workshops and set up exhibitions with their works, and others related to the Nordic children’s literature on which the Water Drop is based.

“It has been incredibly rewarding to work on this project and it is a pleasure to see the children flourish in this creative work. Seeing these bright and imaginative kids work together to create, manage and carry out cultural events for other kids shows how capable they are.”
Ingibjörg Gréta Gísladóttir, project manager of the Water Drop Project.

“It has been wonderful to see the Water Drop become a reality. It has played a major role in the children’s cultural work of the collaborating museums and not least in our cultural work here in Kópavogur. With generous financial support from foundations that have believed in the project, we have been able to maintain an ambitious program throughout its years of operation. Most primary school children in Kópavogur have experienced or participated in the Water Drop, and it is my hope and wish that this participation has increased their self-confidence and opened their eyes to the importance of their voices being heard. The project has enriched our work and hopefully theirs as well.”
Soffía Karlsdóttir, Director of Cultural Affairs at Kópavogur Municipality and founder of the Water Drop.

When asked, Kristoffer said that he has felt very comfortable managing events and that people look up to him, that he could be a role model, which is very valuable. The Young Curators want governments, both in their home countries and globally, to tackle the climate problem with greater determination and challenge them to do the same.

The exhibition of their work is in the Kópavogur Library and we encourage everyone to come and see what these wonderful young people have achieved.